Our accident assessment service is highly professional, fast and cost effective.
In our validation of the circumstances of the vehicle accident we ascertain the following:
1. Date, time and location of accident
2. Damage in line with accident description and scene
3. Physical and mechanical condition of vehicle prior to accident
4. Condition of driver at time of the accident
To assist us in determining the validation of the client’s claim we will do the following:
1. We interview the insured and/or the driver at the time of the accident and obtain a description of the events
2. A copy of the identity document and drivers license is obtained from the insured and/or driver
3. We obtain a copy of the SAPS accident report and confirm the description of events on the report
4. We determine whether the SAPS are investigating a criminal case and interviews are conducted with police personnel who visited the scene
5. We visit the scene and search for possible evidence such as skid marks, close circuit cameras in order to view footage, etc. Scene and any evidence found are photographed
6. Any witnesses as well as breakdown personnel, ambulance personnel and third parties involved are interviewed and their version of the events obtained
7. We inspect the vehicle involved and check for roadworthiness, whether tyres have been changed after the accident, for any signs of alcohol or medication inside the vehicle, the position of the driver seat, etc. During this inspection, we do an assessment at an extra cost if required
8. A random insurance check is performed in order to confirm possible dual insurance
9. If any reasons are found relating to issues such as drunk driving, questions as to the identity of the driver at the time of the accident etc, we obtain all relevant evidence required in order to repudiate such claim
In conclusion a full report is submitted with our recommendations and all relevant attachments