
Client References

NCAG is well established as a professional service provider to several major insurance companies nationwide.
We are confident to suggest that enquiries may be directed to the claims departments at the following companies, in order to obtain first hand references as to our competence and levels of services. 

If you have an emergency after hours and need assistance please see the following list of emergency numbers that you can contact, please have your policy number with you, this will assist the call centre to assist you faster. 

AIG                                                                       860 113 522
Alexander Forbes                                           0860 911 000
Arrow                                                                  010 601 6222
Auto & General                                                    010 211 6991 / 0860 104 210 / 0800 1000 11
A-Sure Assist/Dynamic                                     212862740
Bryte                                                                    086 000 1121
CIA                                                                       871 351 222
CIB geyser                                                           0861 225 225
Cross Country                                                   800 005 688
Discovery                                                            0860 999 911 / 0860 66 55 44
Echelon                                                               0860 200 002 / 083 789 9932
Envirosure Hazzcall                                         0860 44 44 11
Factory & Industrial (F&I)                              861 708 007
Frontline                                                            0861 113 699 / 083 789 9956
FSP Solutions                                                    086 077 3773 / 0861 222 305
Gage Car Hire                                                     011 282 3400
HCV                                                                      0860 869 428 / 0860 227 37
Hollard Commercial                                        08600 38 262 /(012) 460-1030 / (011) 351-1304 / 5824
Hollard Specialist Transport (Regent)      800 212 504
Lombard                                                              0861 115 049 / 083 384 0391
Lynx                                                                      086 110 5969 / 083 228 9676
Merx HCV                                                          861 006 379
Miway                                                                  0860 64 64 64 / 08600 767 64
Momentum                                                       086 000 6784
MUA                                                                     861 000 682
Natsure                                                                0861 10 10 11
Oakhurst                                                             861 001 041
Old Mutual Insure (Ominsure)                   860 247 365
ONESure                                                             0861 33 33 88 / 087 066 0286 / 064 517 5715
Petrosure UM                                                  0861 120 012 roadside assist
Quicksure                                                           0861 777 708
Renasa/CLC/Optimum Assist                      102713098
Safire                                                                   0861 723 473
Santam                                                                 0860 505 911
Transit                                                                  0860 44 44 11
Western National Insurance                        0860 400 007 road   0861 300 300 geyser
Zenith                                                                   860 449 000

Settle legitimate client claims
quickly & efficiently with NCAG